800 Miles to Educate 800 Children

Stride for Education: Double the Impact, Transform Lives

Kimberley Smith

As a Trustee of Kirima Ltd, a charity operating in Kanungu, Uganda—a region where most families earn less than £2 per day and rely on subsistence farming—Adrian is dedicated to providing quality education to help break the cycle of poverty. Kirima offers educational support from nursery through college, empowering children with self-confidence and skills for paid employment. To further this mission, a small group of UK supporters will walk 800 miles, beginning with a ten-mile walk on August 31, 2024, from Highgate, North London, to the Ugandan Embassy in Trafalgar Square.

Donations are vital, and a generous donor will match contributions, so a £40 donation will be doubled to £100, significantly enhancing the charity's impact in Uganda. If you'd like to make a donation to support Adrian and his team in their amazing challenge head to their Wonderful fundraising page:

800 Miles to Educate 800 Children | Wonderful.org
As a recipient of a wonderful education, I can see how it has benefitted me on all sorts of levels. For many years I have been concerned that these advantages

More about Kirima Limited:

Kirima Charity has been dedicated to transforming lives in Kanungu, one of the poorest regions in rural Uganda, for over twenty years. The charity provides high-quality education from nursery through to secondary school and beyond, addressing the lack of educational resources in the area. Kirima Primary School is renowned for its exceptional results, while the secondary school focuses on much-needed science education.

In 2024, Kirima opened a new college to bridge the gap between education and employment opportunities. Despite the challenges of subsistence farming and low wages, Kirima's schools offer a superior education with dedicated teachers who are paid regularly, ensuring students stay in school rather than being pulled out for labour. The community values the comprehensive care, nutrition, and education provided.

With a passionate local team committed to excellence, Kirima Charity invites support through donations to further its mission of educational transformation. Please head to the charity's Wonderful profile page, safe in the knowledge that every penny you raise will reach the charity with no deductions or fees whatsoever:

Kirima Limited | Wonderful.org
Kirima Charity works in Kanungu, one of the poorest regions of rural Uganda, where young people need help to change their lives and support their community.
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